Corrigendum: EOI No. DD(Proc.)/MUET/JAM/-01 dated 01-01-2015


No. DD(Proc.)/MUET/JAM/-17, Dated: 22-01-2015



In continuation to this EOI No. DD(Proc.)/MUET/JAM/-01 dated 01-01-2015, of EOI and RFP (Request for Financial & Technical Proposal alongwith Master Plan) published on SPPRA as well University websites and in various newspapers daily “Kawish”, “Jang” and “Dawn” dated 06-01-2015, it is informed that selection of the consulting firms shall be carried out separately for;

-          Architectural, Structural and Plumbing works

-          Electrical works (Internal / External Electrification, Networking & AC works)


Also the dates for issuance / receiving and submission of RFP response are being extended as following:


1.      Last date of issuance / receiving of RFP:    19-02-2015

2.      Last date of submission of RFP:                  20-02-2015






Deputy Director (Procurement),

Mehran University of Engg. & Tech. Jamshoro,

Phone No. 022-2109010 Fax: 022-2771403

Email: [email protected]