- University
- Academics
- Admissions
- Departments
- Institutes
- Directorates
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center (IEC)
- Coal Research & Resource Center
- Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC)
- Centre of English Language & Linguistics
- Information & Communication Processing Center
- Management Information Systems
- Planning & Development
- Postgraduate Studies
- Quality Enhancement Cell
- Sports
- Directorate of Finance
- Research
- Sustainability
Program Education Objectives
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
PEO 1: To produce engineers with clear concepts about fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering discipline and allied
PEO 2: To produce engineers with analytical and problem solving abilities
PEO3: To produce engineers with high level of professionalism and integrity.
PEO4: To produce engineers with sound communication and leadership abilities along with the desire of continuously
improving their knowledge and skills.