Message from HoD

Chairman's Message

Welcome to the Department of Basic Sciences and Related Studies!

In the current technological era, mathematics is considered to be vital to excel in all types of scientific fields. Without a sound understanding of mathematical concepts, it is near to impossible to attain excellence in fields like engineering, medical science, and economics. Thus, highly motivated faculty of this department is striving to impart mathematical skills so that linkages amongst industry and academia can be strengthened.

The faculty of the department is fervent about imparting high-quality teaching and skills of cutting-edge research. The department currently comprises 40 academic staff of Mathematics, Pakistan, and Islamic Studies (including 2 Postdoc, 5 PhDs, and 33 M.Phil.) and 10 non-academic staff. The research interests of the faculty are engulfed in fields like Computational Fluid Dynamics, Nano-fluids, Magnetohydrodynamics, Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Statistics, Perturbation Techniques, Engineering Mathematics, Operations Research, and Fractional Calculus.       

The faculty of the department teaches various fundamental and compulsory courses including Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Pakistan Studies, and Islamic Studies/Ethics. Students are also assisted to understand the theoretical work of Mathematics with the help of programming languages such as C++ and MATLAB in well-equipped computer laboratories of the department. The courses of Mathematics and Computer Sciences are also taught to the Postgraduate students of the University by the faculty of Basic Sciences and Related Studies. In this way, this department is helping students to equip them with the necessary mathematical expertise to deal with problems being occurred in the current technological era. The department also participates in offering short courses for MATLAB, Maple, Mathematica, Mathcad, Ansys-Fluent, SPSS, and LaTeX. The department also offers a 4-year BS, 2-year M.Phil. and 4-year Ph.D. program in Applied Mathematics. This will help the students of Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, and Engineering to further improve their qualifications and knowledge in Applied Mathematics and relevant fields. Presently, a number of students are enrolled in M.Phil. and Ph.D. programs offered by the department whereas many have been awarded degrees in the recent past.

The extensive research work is also being carried out by qualified faculty members of this department. One Ph.D. project has been approved by HEC under the National Research Program entitled “Finite Element Modeling of Blood Flow”. The department was awarded for Research Productivity by Pakistan Council for Science & Technology in the year 2003-2004 on the basis of research conducted during the year 2002.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Anwar Solangi
Department of Basic Sciences and Related Studies