Office # 0222-2771351 Fax # 0222-2771351 Ext # 2400
B.E. Electrical, (MUET, Jamshoro) M.E Communication System and Networks, (MUET, Jamshoro) Ph.D Stochastic Modeling, (TUWIEN, Austria) Research Interest: Sustainable and Alternative Energy, Smart and Micro Grids, Disrtibuted Generataion, Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution and Performance Modeling of Networks.
Prof. Dr. Zubair Ahmed Memon Profile / CV
Meritorious Professor
email: [email protected] +92 (22) 2772250-73 Ext. 2502 Cell : 0333-2621288 B.E. Electrical Engineering (MUET) M.E Electrical Power Engineering (MUET) Ph.D Electrical Engineering (MUET) Research Interest: Power Quality, Renewable Energy Integration, Smart Grids, Microgrids, EnergyPolicy, Power System, Climate Resilience.
Prof. Dr. Ashfaque Ahmed Hashmani Profile / CV
Professor & Dean Faculty of Electrical, Electronic & Computer Engineering email: [email protected]
B.E. Electrical, (MUET, Jamshoro) M.E [(Singapore) Ph.D (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Research Interest: Power System Stability and Control, Area of applications of nonlinear control, robust control to power and energy systems.
Prof. Dr. Abdul Sattar Larik Profile / CV
Professor & Dean Faculty of Science, Technology & Humanities
Office # 0222-2771351 Fax # 0222-2771351 Ext # 2406
B.E Electrical Engineering (MUET)
M.E Electrical Power Engineering (MUET)
Ph.D Electrical Engineering (MUET)
Research Interest: Power Semiconductor Devices, Sliding Mode Control, DC-DC Converter Topologies Control, Modeling and Simulation, Soft-switching Techniques, FACTS, Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS), Power Quality, converter control, modeling, and simulation.
Prof. Dr. Mukhtiar Ahmed Mahar Profile / CV
email: [email protected]
0222-2771351 Ext. 2500 Cell : 0333-2748115 B.E. Electrical Engineering (MUET) M.E Electrical Power Engineering (MUET) Ph.D Power Electronics & Control (MUET)
Research Interest: Modeling and Simulation of Power Electronic Converters , Neural Network Control Power Electronic Converters , Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) ,Power Quality and Control of Electrical Machines.
Prof.Dr. Ali Asghar Memon Profile / CV
Professor email: ali[email protected] 0222-2771351 Ext. B.E. (EL) [MUET] M.E [MUET] Ph. D Leeds (U.K) Research Interest: SR Machines, Power Electronics.
0222-2771351 Ext. 2413 Cell :
Ph D Beijing [China]
Research Interest: Renewable Energy Sources, Power Electronic Converters and Control Engineering.
Associate Professor email: [email protected] 0222-2771351 Ext. 2403 Cell : 03002514725 B.E.(EL) [MUET] M.E [NED] Ph.D (MUET Jamshoro) Research Interest: Power Electronic Converters, FACTS, Power System Analysis and Distributed Generation.
Dr. Nayyar Hussain Mirjat Profile / CV
Associate Professor email: [email protected] Contact No: +92 (22) 2772250-73 Ext-2020 (Direct), 0222-2771351 Ph.D. Energy Systems Engineering, MUET, Jamshoro M.E Electrical Power System, NED UET, Karachi B.E Electrical Engineering, MUET, Jamshoro
Research Interests: Sustainable Energy Planning, Energy Policy, Energy Modeling, Decision Analysis, Power Economics & Management, Distributed Generation, Hybrid Systems, Energy Materials
Dr. Faheemullah Shaikh Profile / CV
Associate Professor email: [email protected] 0222-2771351 Ext. 24 Cell : 03337281311 B.E.(EL) [MUET] M.E [MUET]
Ph.D. China Research Interest: Electrical Power Management , Power Economics and Management and Smart Grid.
Dr. Mahesh Kumar Rathi Profile /CV
Associate Professor email: [email protected] Office: 0222-2771351 B.E.(EL) [MUET] M.E [MUET] Ph.D. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Power Cluster (UTP Malaysia) Research Interest:Integration of Renewable Distributed Generations in Distribution system, Solar Photovoltaic, Wind Energy, Energy Storage, Artificial intelligence
Dr. Abdul Hakeem Memon Profile / CV Associate Professor
email: [email protected]
0222-2771351 Ext. Cell : 03332760536 B.E.(EL) [MUET] M.E [MUET]
Ph.D. China Research Interest: Power Electronics & control , Electrical Machines & Drives
Dr. Pervez Hameed Shaikh CV / Profile
Associate Professor
[email protected]
0222-2771351 Ext. Cell : 0092 – 300 - 3063531 B.E.(EL) [MUET] M.E [MUET]
PHD Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP)
Research Area: Building Energy Systems and Management, Energy Economics, Conservation and Efficiency, Renewable Energy Systems, Micro grids, Load Profiling and Forecasting, Artificial Intelligence (Fuzzy Systems (FIS), Neural Networks (NN) and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)), Renewable Energy, Electrical Power Transmission, Distribution and Utilization.
Engr. Noor Nabi Shaikh Profile / CV
Assistant Professor email: [email protected] 0222-2771351 Ext. Cell : 03332667848 B.E.(EL) [MUET] M.E In progress [MUET] Research Interest:Power system protection , Electrical machines , Electrical power distribution and utilization , Harmonics.
Engr. Muhammad Rashid Memon Profile / CV
Assistant Professor
0222-2771351 Ext. 2412 Cell : 0333-2667793
Research Interest: Dynamic Behavior of Universal Motor and Electrical Machines.
Dr. Mansoor Ahmed Soomro Profile / CV Assistant Professor
0222-2771351 Ext. 24 Cell : 0333-7366520
Research Interest: Power Quality , Power Electronic Converter , Power Filter, Energy Planning & Management and Electrical Machines.
Assistant Professor
email: [email protected] 0222-2771351 Ext. 2412 Cell : 0303-3014286 B.E.(EL) [MUET] M.E [MUET] Research Interest: Survey of Energy Conservation in Electrical Motors and Their Economical Solution Based on Statistical Techniques and Electrical Machines.
Dr. Shoaib Ahmed Khatri Profile /CV
Assistant Professor
Office: 0222-2771351
Research Interest:Energy systems and energy management covering their technology, policy and economic aspects for Small-medium industries ,Transportation Office and domestic levels.
Engr. Shafi Jiskani (On Study Leave) Profile /CV
Assistant Professor
Office: 0222-2771351
Research Interest:Energy systems and energy management covering their technology, policy and economic aspects for Small-medium industries ,Transportation Office and domestic levels.
Assistant Professor
Office: 0222-2771351
Phd. Malaysia
Research Interest:Energy systems and energy management covering their technology, policy and economic aspects for Small-medium industries ,Transportation Office and domestic levels.
Engr. Abdul Latif Samoo Profile / CV
Lecturer email: [email protected] 0222-2771351 Ext. Cell : 0333-2513584 B.E.(EL) [MUET] M.E [MUET] Research Interest: Fault tolerant Control of Renewable Energy System, Smart Power System Monitoring, Protection & Control, Robust Control System Design and Advanced Control Algorithm.
Engr. Faheem Shafeeque Channar (On Study Leave) Profile /CV Lecturer email: [email protected]Office: 0222-2771351 B.E.(EL) [MUET] M.E (ELP) [MUET] Research Interest: Power Electronic Converters, Harmonic Analysis, HVDC Transmission systems, Instrumentation and Measurement, Control Engineering.
Engr. Shoaib Shaikh (On Study Leave) Profile /CV
Lecturer email: [email protected]Office: 0222-2771351 B.E.(EL) [MUET] M.E (ELP) [MUET] Research Interest: Modeling and Simulation of Power Electronic Converters and Controllers, Renewable Energy Resources, DC Micro Grid, Operation and Control Techniques of Electrical Machines.
Engr. Mustafa Memon (On Study Leave) Profile /CV
Lecturer email: [email protected]Office: 0222-2771351 B.E.(EL) [MUET] M.E (ELP) [MUET] Research Interest: Power Electronic Converters and Controllers, Power System Analysis and Stability Studies
B.E ( electrical engineering) 2016 M.E ( Electrical power engineering ) ( 2018) PhD (electrical engineering) In progress Research Interest: Power Semiconductor Devices, DC-DC Converter Topologies Control, Modeling and Simulation, FACTS controller, Power Quality, renewable energy resources, converter control, modeling,
Lab Engineer
Engr. Sheeraz Ali Bhatti Profile /CV
Lab Engineer
Office: 0222-2771351
Research Interest: Power Electronic Converters and Control Engineering, Modeling and simulation and Electrical Machines.
Lab Supervisor
Engr. Tariq Mushtaque koondhar Profile /CV Lab Supervisor email: [email protected] Office: 0222-2771351 B.E (EL) [MUET] M.E: [MUET] Research Interest: Power system Protection, Electrical Machines, Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution, Electrical Circuits and Networks
Engr. Shayan Bhalai Profile /CV Lab Supervisor email: [email protected] Office: 0222-2771351 B.E (EL) [MUET] M.E: [MUET] Research Interest: Renewable Energy Power Electronics, Electrical Machines, Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution, Electrical Circuits and Networks
Engr. Suhail Ahmed Profile /CV Lab Supervisor email: [email protected] Office: 0222-2771351 B.E (EL) [MUET] M.E: [MUET] Research Interest: Research Interest: Renewable Energy Resources, High Voltage Engineering,Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution, AC and DC Microgrids and Electric Vehicles.
Engr. Owais Ahmed Memon Profile /CV
Lab Supervisor email: [email protected] Office: 0222-2771351 B.E (EL) [MUET]
M.E Electrical MUET Research Interest: Microgrids, Power Electronic Converters, Power Transmission, Power System Protection, Control Engineering and AI.
Research Assistant
Engr. Maryam Memon Profile /CV Research Assistant email: [email protected]
Office: 0222-2771351 B.E (EL) [MUET]
Research Interest: Power Generation System, Electrical Network & Analysis, Communication System, Electronic Devices, Electrical machines.
Engr. Areeba Ghulam Mustafa Profile /CV Research Assistant email: [email protected]
Office: 0222-2771351 B.E (EL) [MUET]
Research Interest: Power Transmission System, Power System Protection, Power Electronics.
Teaching Assistant
Engr. Shafeen Profile /CV Teaching Assistant email:
Office: 0222-2771351 B.E (EL) [MUET]
Research Interest: Power Generation System, Electrical Network & Analysis, Communication System, Electronic Devices, Electrical machines.
Engr. Kaneez Rabia Profile /CV Teaching Assistant email: @gmail.com
Office: 0222-2771351 B.E (EL) [MUET]
Research Interest: Power Transmission System, Power System Protection, Power Electronics.